GDA PIKL - The Pikl family

At the beginning of the 2000s, to expand its business in Central and Eastern Europe, GDA entrusted the exclusive representation in the first wood processing to Vladimir Pikl. The company, which is now called GDA PIKL, represents an authentic, long-lasting, and solid partnership, as underlined by Vladimir Pikl himself, with whom we did a short interview.

Mr Pikl, how did you find out about GDA?

GDA PIKL - 30-years logo

In 1993 I met Oliviero Adamithrough a friend, founder of GDA and father of Gianluca, who at that time was the chief the company now managed by Gianluca.

I joined GDA as a simple worker, but we soon realized that this was not my role and Oliviero offered me the opportunity, at just 22 years old, to represent GDA in the Central European markets.

What a beautiful opportunity! Can you briefly tell us the history of this partnership?

We visited the Czech Republic and the surrounding countries together to see the market situation, the situation of the sawmills at that time, and so on.

Then we signed a contract with which I obtained exclusivity for these countries: a partnership that still lasts and has never stopped. I have never sold a tool product like that of GDA, but not of GDA.

We will come back to this… Meanwhile, can you tell us which markets GDA PIKL currently covers?

The company's markets

My company is for GDA the exclusive distributor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. My business in general also targets other neighboring European countries.
[Editor’s note: GDA PIKL is specialized in the primary wood processing sector and its main customer is sawmills]

GDA also has customers in these countries outside our territory. Gianluca Adami and I have a clear relationship of total trust: if we receive requests for GDA blades from customers outside our exclusive territory, we agree on how to best welcome and satisfy them. The goal is to always serve the customer’s interests.

Before you said that you have never sold a product like that of GDA: what do you think are the strong points of GDA?

Home page of the GDA PIKL website

The will to look forward, not to stop! This has meant that today GDA is truly at the forefront, compared to its competitors, in product development. GDA always manages to respond, even to unusual requests: it manages to create customized, tailor-made products.

This is a great strength compared to other competitors who have included their offer in the catalogue: you must be satisfied with what is in the catalogue.

If I now sent a very particular request to GDA, I am sure that Gianluca would answer me precisely: either they can make it happen or they propose changes to make it feasible. In any case there is always feedback.

If, however, we consider relationships with one’s partners, what convinces me and has always convinced me about GDA is the fact that there are no shadows or gray areas. The relationships are completely transparent.

From what he told me I imagine that you view the expansion and renovation project implemented by GDA in a favorable light…

Certainly. The location where GDA is currently located does not allow room for development because it is physically too small. From this point of view, I understand this decision very well.

This is an essential step if the company wishes to become stronger on the Italian, European and global markets.

In this regard, how do you see the Czech and Slovak markets?

GDA Tools web page

Do you have a reserve question? Jokes aside, in my opinion there is no German, Austrian, Italian, etc. market. The market is European and very often global.

I noticed a fluctuating trend: we had four years in which things were going well, this year the whole market slowed down.

Whether this slowdown will last two, three or four years is impossible to know. I am convinced that there will be a recovery, but no one knows to what extent.

What plans does GDA PIKL have for the future? How do you see your company in five years, for example?

Work is underway so that sooner or later the company will pass into the hands of children in their twenties. The eldest daughter will become a lawyer in a year, the son manages the shipments.

In five years, therefore, I hope that this generational transition will have been achieved. And continue as now and better.


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